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8 Networking Activities to Try at Your Next Event

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Events are all about creating connections—connections between attendees, connections between an organization and its members, connections between a brand and its audience. No matter the industry, networking games are one of the best ways to connect a community. But the importance of networking often gets overlooked in the grand scheme of the event planning process. But it shouldn’t. Sure, a mix and mingle welcome reception is something, but is it really the best way to bring people together? And is it even memorable?

The short (and straightforward) answer is no. We’re not here to hate on cocktail mixers, we just think there’s a better way to connect your attendees.

Event planners often offer cocktail mixers as a relaxed way to get to know one another. But the thing is.. They’re not that relaxing. For most people, unstructured networking events are intimidating. The thought of approaching random strangers, who they know nothing about, isn’t a walk in the park. It takes courage, and even with it, it can be challenging to come across the right people.

Instead, consider offering a different type of icebreaker activity. Consider, instead, of offering networking games. They’re more effective, engaging, efficient, and fun! Here are 8 options to choose from and more on why we’re choosing these over anything else. Dive Deeper Here!