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Not Another One! 6 Tips To Combat Webinar Fatigue

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New year, new challenges. And boy, has 2020 proved itself to be quite a challenging year! While shifts in consumer behavior have been one of the biggest concerns for marketers over the past few years, never before did event profs have to pay so much attention to it. Patterns of consumption have indeed changed drastically when compared to a pre-social media world. But when it came to events, things remained pretty much linear. After all, in-person attendance when there’s no other choice is just another day at the office.

However, we live in a virtual world now. Lockdowns and strict measures pertaining to gatherings mean that people have to get creative with ways to connect. And back at the beginning of the pandemic madness, webinars, live streams, and virtual events, in general, were welcomed by pretty much everyone. But as the market became saturated with poorly delivered experiences, a new phenomenon in consumer behavior emerged – webinar fatigue. Never has this emotional and physical exhaustion in regards to virtual events been as marked as it is now. So planners everywhere are wondering – how can I combat webinar fatigue? Well, we are currently at the driver’s seat to make a change. Let’s begin, shall we? Questions? Find Answers Here!