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Virtual Event Rehearsals They Matter

A few months ago – you know, when the craziness was at its highest – we wrote about virtual event mistakes. If you’re an avid reader of Endless, you might recall that one of those mistakes was foregoing rehearsals. And if you’re not an avid reader…well, what are you waiting for? But let’s return to the topic at hand. Back in the day – and no, we can’t believe it’s only been a handful of weeks either – we felt it was important to warn event profs against this. However, we didn’t dive quite as deep as we hoped for.

o here we are! Yes, today, we’ll be explaining exactly why virtual event rehearsals should be a non-negotiable. While some in the industry might believe that these are not necessary, we still advise against it. If there’s something 2020 has taught it’s that we can never be too prepared. And when it comes to the relatively uncharted waters of virtual (because there’s still a lot to learn and fine-tune), this is truer than ever. Let us then explore the pros of virtual event rehearsals!